Fubon Platinum Card

Fubon Platinum Card

Fubon Platinum/Titanium Card


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Make the absolute most of your online and overseas spending

Make the absolute most of your online and overseas spending

Successfully apply for principal card of Fubon Platinum Card on or before 31 December 2025 to enjoy gifts with value up to HK$960!

Welcome Gift
Cash Rebate
Fubon Credit Card Upgrade Reward Program1,2
Overseas transaction
up to HK$460 Cash rebate
1Base on HK$1 spending = 20 points when spending in New Taiwan Dollar (“NTD”) with Fubon Platinum Card. All of the overseas transaction rewards are only applicable to the transactions settled in local currency rather than in Hong Kong dollar.
2If the welcome gift spending of HK$5,800 fulfils the criteria in Remarks1mentioned above and the Terms and Conditions of “Overseas Transaction Extra Bonus Point Program”, a total of up to 116,000 bonus points would be granted. And based on 25,000 bonus points can be used to redeem HK$100 cash rebate and 5,000 bonus points can be used to redeem.


For Example:
Spending Condition Bonus Point Cash rebate
In the 1st month of card issuance Spend HK$4,000 in NTD 80,000 HK$320
In the 2nd month of card issuance Spend HK$1,800 in NTD 36,000 HK$140

Remarks: The above welcome gift offer shall be bound by the relevant terms and conditions, please click here for details. 


Apply now to enjoy the fabulous Fubon Credit Card benefits!


Fubon Bank Integrated Customer Service Hotline: 2566 8181 (press 1 after language selection)

Monday to Sunday: 8:30am to 12am


To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!


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Make the absolute most of your online and overseas spending

Make the absolute most of your online and overseas spendingFubon Platinum Card lets you enjoying the spending rebate! No matter if you purchase online or overseas^, you can easily earn the most points and redeem them for fabulous gifts.


Transaction Category Bonus Points Reward Equivalent Cash Rebate Equivalent Miles Conversion
New Taiwan Dollar 20X bonus points 8% HK$0.75=1 mile
Yen / Won 10X bonus points 4% HK$1.5=1 mile
Other non-Hong Kong Dollar 5X bonus points 2% HK$3=1 mile
HK$300 or above made on Saturday or Sunday locally 2X bonus points 0.8% HK$7.5=1 mile
Local / Octopus Automatic Add-Value Service 1X bonus points 0.4% HK$15=1 mile
^All of the overseas transaction rewards are only applicable to the transactions settled in local currency. For calculation and cap of the extra bonus points, please click here.
#The 20X points for New Taiwan Dollar spending include: (i) 5X points from the Fubon Credit Card Rewards Program for non-Hong Kong dollar transactions;(ii) 15X points for overseas spending from the Fubon Credit Card Extra Points Program for New Taiwan Dollar transactions. 10X points for Japanese Yen/ Korean Won transactions include: (i) 5X points from the Fubon Credit Card Rewards Program for non-Hong Kong dollar transactions;(ii) 5X points for overseas spending from the Fubon Credit Card Extra Points Program for Japanese Yen/ Korean Won transactions.

Transaction Category Bonus Points Reward Equivalent Cash Rebate Equivalent Miles Conversion
Local Online Merchants Up to 10X bonus points* Up to 4% Up to HK$1.5=1 mile

*including : (i) extra 8X bonus points under “Fubon Credit Card Upgrade Reward Program” ; (ii) extra 1X bonus point from local transaction amount of HK$300 or above made on Saturday or Sunday ; and iii) basic 1X bonus point under Fubon Credit Card Bonus Point Program.
Remarks: The above offer is only applicable to single transaction and settled in Hong Kong dollar. To be entitled to the extra bonus points, cardholder is required to successfully perform registration via the automated voice response system of Fubon Bank Integrated Customer Service Hotline at 2566 8181 (press 1 > 7 > 2 after language selection). Please click here for details.


  1. Validity period of Fubon Credit Card Bonus Point Program is valid until 31 December 2025.
  2. Calculation of the cash rebate is based on 25,000 points to redeem HK$100 cash reward.


Enjoy 8X Bonus Points Reward for Single or Year-round Travel Insurance Plan

Enjoy up to 20% off premium discount and earn 8X bonus points reward upon purchase of a designated Single or Annual Travel Insurance Plan with Fubon Credit Card.  

Click here to enroll or to learn more.

Remarks: The promotion period is from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025, the promotion is subject to relevant terms and conditions. For product detail, terms and condition, please click here.

For enquiries, please call Fubon Bank Integrated Customer Service Hotline 2566 8181 (Press "3" after language selection) during office hours* for more details.
*Office hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 7pm (except public holidays).


An Array of Other Privileges/Features

  • First 3-year annual fee waiver^
  • 20% discount on the first year rental of Safe Deposit Box
  • Octopus Add-Value Service, please click here for details
  • Built-in contactless payment function. Simply tap the card against the contactless card reader accepting Visa payWave/Mastercard to settle transaction, please click here for details.



Apply now
to enjoy the fabulous Fubon Credit Card benefits! The promotion is subject to relevant terms and conditions.

Fubon Bank Integrated Customer Service Hotline: 2566 8181 (press 1 after language selection)

Monday to Sunday: 8:30am to 12am


To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Welcome Gifts and Other Benefits:

1. To be eligible for the principal card welcome gift, customers are required to successfully apply for a principal card of Fubon Credit Card on or before 31 December 2025. A new card will be sent to the customer at his/her correspondence address by Fubon Bank (the “Bank”) or customer will be contacted to collect the new card at branch. To be eligible for the welcome gift, the principal cardholder is required to fulfil the following welcome gift redemption requirements. The transaction date(s) shown in the statement(s) issued by the Bank shall be regarded as the relevant transaction date(s). If any retail transaction(s) is/are later cancelled or reversed after redemption of the welcome gift causing the cardholder not fulfilling the spending requirement, the Bank reserves the right to debit HK$100 as handling fee against his/her account immediately without prior notice.
2. The principal cardholder is required to spend HK$5,800 or above on eligible retail purchase and/or cash advance with the principal card within the first 3 months from the date of card issuance. Other transactions including but not limited to tax payment, online bill payment, balance transfers, installment, administration fee, financial charges, annual fee, autopay transactions, Octopus AAVS reload transactions and casino transactions will not be counted as welcome gift spending requirement. The relevant cash rebate will be credited to the cardholder’s new credit card account, which must be a valid account in normal status, within 4 to 6 weeks (from transaction posting date) upon the cardholder fulfilling the spending requirement and such credit will then be shown in the principal cardholder's statement.
3. Only customers who are not holders of the Bank's credit cards or co-branded cards (including supplementary card) up to the application date are eligible for the welcome gifts. No welcome gift will be granted if the customers have cancelled the Bank’s credit cards or co-branded cards within the past 6 months of application date in the case of successful application. To be eligible for the welcome gifts, the relevant credit card account must be still valid and in normal status.
4. Each customer is only eligible for one welcome gift regardless of the number of the Bank’s credit cards or co-branded cards applications successfully applied for. Customer is not allowed to change the welcome gift once it has been chosen. Welcome gifts listed above are provided on a first-come-first-serve basis, while stock lasts. If any of the welcome gifts chosen are out of stock, the Bank reserves the right to substitute the welcome gift with another offer without prior notice. The value or nature of the substitute may differ from the current welcome gifts offered in this promotion.

Terms and conditions for Fubon Credit Card Upgrade Program: Please click here for details.

Remarks: The Bank reserves the right for the decision of final approval of all Credit Card application, and to suspend, vary or terminate the above offers and its terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive. Should there be any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of the terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
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