Q1. What kind of services are provided by Fubon GO?
Q2. Are there any requirements for the mobile device in order to use Fubon GO?
Q3. How can I download Fubon GO?
Q4. What languages is the Fubon GO available in?
Q5. If I am not in Hong Kong, can I use Fubon GO to open a bank account?
Q6. Which bank account can I open through Fubon GO?
Q7. If I have already held a Fubon Bank individual account, can I open another bank account through Fubon GO?
Q8. If I am a Fubon Bank credit card / personal loan customer, will my personal information in Fubon Bank be updated after I opened a bank account through Fubon GO?
Q9. Are there minimum balance requirement and service fees for opening a Fubon HKD Statement Savings Account through Fubon GO?
Q10. How can I withdraw cash after I open my account in Fubon GO?
Q11. How to apply cheque book after opening account through Fubon GO?
Q12. Can someone help me to open an account using Fubon GO? How to ensure data security?
Q13. Who can open a Fubon Bank Account through Fubon GO?
Q14. Do I need to upload a residential address proof or other document to complete the account opening process through Fubon GO?
Q15. Will the Bank keep my HKID card information and selfie captured during the account opening process?
Q16. Why I cannot capture my HKID card and take selfies successfully during identity verification?
Q17. Why my mobile phone cannot receive the SMS with One Time Password (OTP)?
Q18. When can I start using my account after the application is approved and completed?
Q19. Why do I need to set a 6-digit Passcode?
Q20. How can I set up my Self-service Banking?
Q21. Why do I need to set up Internet Banking and Mobile Banking username and Password? When can I start to use those services?
Q22. If I am a Fubon Bank credit card customer who have an active Fubon Internet Banking and / or Mobile Banking account. Do I need to set up another Internet Banking and Mobile Banking account in Fubon GO Account Opening?
Q23. How to process the address verification after the Securities Account application through Fubon GO?
Q24. When the Securities Account will be activated after the completion of the address verification?
Q25. I did not continue to open Securities Account after I successfully opened a bank account through Fubon GO. Can I open Securities Account through Fubon GO again?
Q26. What should I do if I want to report security incident or share with you my feedback related to Fubon GO?
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