Fubon Faster Payment System Service FAQ

Fubon Faster Payment System Service FAQ

Q1. What is Faster Payment System (FPS)?

Q1. What is Faster Payment System (FPS)?

The Faster Payment System (“FPS”) is an efficient and broadly accessible instant funds transfer platform that supports fund transfer using the payee’s bank account number and payment via payee’s mobile number, e-mail address or FPS Identifiers after the payee has registered with the account addressing service for you to make and receive local payment in Hong Kong dollar or Renminbi. You can make payment via Internet Banking or mobile banking platforms. It is available 24/7^, free of charge* and covering participating local banks and financial institutes with Stored Value Facility (SVF) licenses.

^The service is limited to receiving banks that support instant transfer functionality.

*For transactions including receipt and transfer of payment conducted via Fubon Internet Banking and Fubon+

Q2. What are the benefits of using FPS?

Q2. What are the benefits of using FPS?

FPS is an instant way for you to transfer money to another person and / or make payment to merchants who use banks or Stored Value Facilities (SVF) operators in Hong Kong that have participated in FPS. By using FPS, you can pay a merchant by simply entering the merchant’s FPS Identifier. You can also transfer fund to another person simply by inputting the payee’s mobile phone number or e-mail address. In the same way through FPS, other people can send money directly to your bank account instantly.

Q3. What FPS services does Fubon Bank provide and how do I use them?

Q3. What FPS services does Fubon Bank provide and how do I use them?

The Bank provides following FPS services:
  • Account addressing including mobile phone number, e-mail address, FPS identifier (only applicable to Fubon+) and HKID number
  • Real-time credit payment
    • Local Transfer (via mobile phone number, e-mail address, FPS identifier or QR Code Payment)
    • App-to-App / Web-to-App Payment Function (only applicable to Fubon+)
    • FPS x PromptPay QR Payment (Only applicable to Fubon+)
  • Electronic Direct Debit Authorization (eDDA)

    You can experience these FPS services through Fubon Internet Banking Service and Fubon Mobile Banking Service.

Q4. Can I use FPS when I am outside of Hong Kong?

Q4. Can I use FPS when I am outside of Hong Kong?

You can use Fubon FPS services from anywhere in the world as long as you can log on to Fubon Internet Banking Service or Fubon Mobile Banking Service platforms. For some FPS services, you will be required to receive SMS notification from the Bank in order to complete a transaction or a service request.

Q5. Is there any charge applicable to the FPS services?

Q5. Is there any charge applicable to the FPS services?

Currently, Fubon Bank does not charge service fees for transactions conducted via FPS services, including receipt and transfer of payment via Fubon Internet Banking and Fubon+ (which is different from other banks’ general policy of charging fees for such services). Please refer to Fubon Bank’s schedule of service charges for details.

Q6. Which currencies does FPS support?

Q6. Which currencies does FPS support?

FPS supports payment and transfer transactions to local banks or Stored Value Facilities (SVF) operators in Hong Kong dollar and Renminbi. FPS also support FPS x PromptPay QR payment under Cross border QR payment service for payment transactions in Thai Baht.

Q7. Do I need to register to use the FPS services?

Q7. Do I need to register to use the FPS services?

You have to register before using the FPS services. You can simply register the FPS services via our Internet Banking or Mobile Banking Service platform. If you currently do not have an Fubon Internet Banking Service account, you can apply online or at any of our branches. A valid mobile phone number which is registered with One Time Password Service (“OTP Service”) and a valid e-mail address are required for FPS registration. If you do not have the required information in our bank record, please visit any one of our branches to update your record.

Q8. How will I know if I have successfully registered for FPS service?

Q8. How will I know if I have successfully registered for FPS service?

After you have successfully registered for FPS service, you will receive an SMS or e-mail notification.

Q9. What is FPS account addressing service?

Q9. What is FPS account addressing service?

With FPS account addressing service, you can link your account with a proxy ID, which can be your mobile phone number (including local and overseas mobile phone number), e-mail address or FPS Identifier, so that the payer can make payment/transfer fund to that account by providing only your proxy ID. If you have not registered for account addressing service, payer can still transfer fund to you by providing your account number.

Q10. How do I register for FPS Identifier?

Q10. How do I register for FPS Identifier?

Please visit any one of our branches to register for FPS Identifier.

Q11. Do I need to link a bank account with a Proxy ID in order to make payment/transfer fund via FPS?

Q11. Do I need to link a bank account with a Proxy ID in order to make payment/transfer fund via FPS?

For paying/transferring fund via FPS, you do not need to link your account with a Proxy ID. You can simply select the account from which the fund is transferring.

Q12. Who is eligible to register for FPS services and what accounts can I link with FPS account addressing?

Q12. Who is eligible to register for FPS services and what accounts can I link with FPS account addressing?

All Fubon individual customers are eligible to register for FPS service. You can choose your current account, savings account, magi©money manager Account or Multi Currency Savings Account in Hong Kong dollar or Renminbi.

Q13. How many accounts can be linked with each proxy ID?

Q13. How many accounts can be linked with each proxy ID?

For each proxy ID, you can link with only one Hong Kong dollar and/or Renminbi Fubon account.

Q14. Can I change the Proxy ID linkage to another Fubon account?

Q14. Can I change the Proxy ID linkage to another Fubon account?

You can always change the Proxy ID linkage to another Fubon account via Fubon Internet Banking Service or Fubon Mobile Banking Service.

Q15. If I have already linked my mobile phone number or e-mail address with bank accounts of other banks, can I use the same mobile phone number or e-mail address to link with a Fubon account?

Q15. If I have already linked my mobile phone number or e-mail address with bank accounts of other banks, can I use the same mobile phone number or e-mail address to link with a Fubon account?

Yes, you can still setup the account addressing service through Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking service platform even if your mobile phone number or e-mail address has been linked to other bank account(s). You may also set Fubon Bank as the default receiving bank. Payer need not to choose the receiving bank during payment to your mobile phone number or e-mail address while the receiving payment will be automatically credited to your linked Fubon bank account.

Q16. Can I specify the date on which such payment/transfer transaction should process?

Q16. Can I specify the date on which such payment/transfer transaction should process?

You can select transfer now or set up a scheduled payment instruction for transaction up to 45 days later.

Q17. Can I alter or stop a payment/transfer transaction?

Q17. Can I alter or stop a payment/transfer transaction?

If you select transfer now, you cannot alter or stop payment / transfer transaction after it has taken place.
If you choose to set up scheduled payment instruction, you can edit the “Transfer Amount” and “Scheduled Date” before the scheduled date of the scheduled payment.
However, if you find any error on such transaction after it has taken place, you should report the error to the Bank as soon as possible and within 90 days from the date of receipt of the statement or confirmation in relation to such transaction.

Q18. Why do I need to re-register accounts to “My Payee” when I have already registered under “Registered Account”? What are the differences?

Q18. Why do I need to re-register accounts to “My Payee” when I have already registered under “Registered Account”? What are the differences?

As the FPS fund transfer service and the fund transfer via Fubon Internet Banking Service are two separate services catering for different customer needs, the “Registered Account” of fund transfer via our Internet Banking Service will not be automatically brought across to “My Payee” of FPS fund transfer service.

Q19. Someone tried to transfer money to me, but why is it being rejected by Fubon Bank?

Q19. Someone tried to transfer money to me, but why is it being rejected by Fubon Bank?

To avoid mis-transferring of funds, the Bank will conduct name checking process on real-time inward fund transfers through FPS with effect from 30 October 2022. If payee name and account number stated in the payment instruction do not align with the bank’s records, fund transfers using payee’s bank account number of HK$10,000 or above (or other currencies of an equivalent amount) will be rejected accordingly.

Q20. When I transfer money to someone, will I know if the transfer is successful?

Q20. When I transfer money to someone, will I know if the transfer is successful?

You will receive an on-screen message and an SMS notification after the bank has received your payment instruction, and will receive email notification after payment is successfully transferred to payee account or payee bank. You can also view the payment credit status in FPS transferred payment history of FPS. Payment credit status includes 1) Credit to Payee Account Completed, 2) Payee Bank Received (The payee bank has received the payment and it is pending for crediting to payee account) and 3) Delivered (Payment has successfully transferred and pending for receipt by payee bank).

Q21. Can I use FPS to send money to overseas account?

Q21. Can I use FPS to send money to overseas account?

In addition to “Cross-border QR payment” that can make payment to overseas merchants, you can only pay people or businesses that use banks or Stored Value Facilities (SVF) operators in Hong Kong that have participated in FPS.

Q22. Do I need to include the country code when I transfer fund to another person by his/her mobile phone number?

Q22. Do I need to include the country code when I transfer fund to another person by his/her mobile phone number?

If the payee is using a Hong Kong mobile phone number, the country code will be prefilled for you. However, if the payee is using an overseas number, then you have to include the country code when entering the payee’s mobile phone number.

Q23. What is FPS Electronic Direct Debit Authorization (“eDDA”) service?

Q23. What is FPS Electronic Direct Debit Authorization (“eDDA”) service?

Using this service, you can set up instructions to make periodic payments to designated merchants/organizations. Once the merchant/organization confirms an eDDA request, the eDDA will be created immediately, and payments henceforward will be debited from your account according to the instruction. Alternatively, merchants/organizations can also request to set up eDDA service with you for future direct debit payments. The request will be sent to you via FPS for your confirmation.

Q24. How can I manage my eDDA instructions?

Q24. How can I manage my eDDA instructions?

You can log-in to Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking service to inquire the authorization status of established instructions. You can also setup, accept, reject, amend, reactivate or cancel the instructions using the eDDA service.

Q25. Can I set a maximum payment amount, payment frequency, and/or expiry date in the eDDA instruction?

Q25. Can I set a maximum payment amount, payment frequency, and/or expiry date in the eDDA instruction?

Yes, you can set a maximum payment amount, payment frequency, and/or expiry date for every eDDA instruction.

Q26. I want to set up an eDDA instruction with a merchant/organization which cannot be located in the merchants/organizations name list. What can I do?

Q26. I want to set up an eDDA instruction with a merchant/organization which cannot be located in the merchants/organizations name list. What can I do?

At the moment, the eDDA service is only available for merchants/organizations on the list. If you want to set up eDDA with other merchants, please contact the designated beneficiary of that eDDA for enquiries.

Q27. Where can I check my FPS eDDA transaction history?

Q27. Where can I check my FPS eDDA transaction history?

You can find your FPS eDDA transaction under the “History – Direct Debit Record” on the FPS menu via Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking service. The related transaction history will also appear in your bank statement.

Q28. Is there any charge for FPS eDDA services (including setup, accept, cancel, amend, reactive & reject)?

Q28. Is there any charge for FPS eDDA services (including setup, accept, cancel, amend, reactive & reject)?

Currently, the charge is waived for all FPS eDDA services.

Q29. How can I identify the eDDA transactions in my account?

Q29. How can I identify the eDDA transactions in my account?

The eDDA transaction will carry a prefix of “FPS OUT” on the transaction description on your bank statement and you can also find the transactions in “History – Direct Debit Record” on the FPS menu via Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking service.

Q30. How long does it take to set up an eDDA?

Q30. How long does it take to set up an eDDA?

The request on setup of an eDDA is sent out instantly, but the effective time of the eDDA is subjected to the timeliness of the confirmation from the payee bank of the merchant.

Q31. Will I receive a notification after setup/confirm the eDDA?

Q31. Will I receive a notification after setup/confirm the eDDA?

Yes, you will receive our confirmation notification via SMS.

Q32. After the eDDA is confirmed, can the debtor reference or debtor account be amended?

Q32. After the eDDA is confirmed, can the debtor reference or debtor account be amended?

The debtor reference and debtor account cannot be amended once the eDDA is confirmed. If you want to amend above information, please cancel that eDDA and setup a new one.

Q33. What should I do to confirm/reject if I have received an eDDA approval request?

Q33. What should I do to confirm/reject if I have received an eDDA approval request?

You can log-in Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking service and under FPS Menu, select “Direct Debit Authorization” > “List of Pending Confirmation DDA”, and you can confirm/reject the eDDA approval request in the “Pending your Confirmation”.

Q34. Why do I receive an SMS notification about the failure of eDDA setup after I submit the setup request?

Q34. Why do I receive an SMS notification about the failure of eDDA setup after I submit the setup request?

If you have received SMS notification about the failure eDDA setup, please contact the designated beneficiary of that eDDA for enquiries.

Q35. Can I cancel the addressing record(s) of my mobile number and/or e-mail address registered with other banks through Fubon FPS?

Q35. Can I cancel the addressing record(s) of my mobile number and/or e-mail address registered with other banks through Fubon FPS?

Yes. As long as your mobile number and/or e-mail address have/has registered the addressing service of Fubon FPS, you can then enquire the addressing records of that proxy ID with other banks under “Setting – My Profile” on the FPS menu. You can also cancel the addressing record(s) of other banks on Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking platform.

Q36. If I have updated my mobile number and/or e-mail address in Fubon Bank’s record, will my addressing record(s) in FPS be updated automatically?

Q36. If I have updated my mobile number and/or e-mail address in Fubon Bank’s record, will my addressing record(s) in FPS be updated automatically?

Due to security reason, the Bank will not update the corresponding addressing record(s) automatically. Once you have updated your mobile number and/or e-mail address in the Bank’s record, the FPS addressing service of your old mobile number and/or e-mail address will be cancelled in the next working day automatically. You need to register FPS addressing service for the new mobile number and/or new e-mail address on Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking platform accordingly.

Q37. Why Mobile Security Key / One Time Password is required for authentication when making FPS payment?

Q37. Why Mobile Security Key / One Time Password is required for authentication when making FPS payment?

If the daily accumulated transaction amount exceeds the daily small-value transaction limit, all FPS transactions are required to be authenticated by Mobile Security Key / One Time Password. You can change the FPS daily small-value transaction limit through Fubon Internet Banking or Mobile Banking by Mobile Security Key / One Time Password authentication.

Q38. If I find my payee’s FPS proxy ID is being flagged by the scam prevention alert, how can I remove it?

Q38. If I find my payee’s FPS proxy ID is being flagged by the scam prevention alert, how can I remove it?

The scam prevention alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please contact them at enquiry@cyberdefender.hk if you think the FPS proxy IDs are not tagged correctly.

Q39. Will Bank be able to help to remove my FPS proxy IDs from the scam prevention alert?

Q39. Will Bank be able to help to remove my FPS proxy IDs from the scam prevention alert?

No, the Bank cannot do the deletion. The scam prevention alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please contact them at enquiry@cyberdefender.hk if you think the FPS proxy IDs are not tagged correctly.

Q40. If I want to report a suspicious FPS proxy ID, what should I do?

Q40. If I want to report a suspicious FPS proxy ID, what should I do?

The scam prevention alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. If you suspect a crime case has occurred, please report to the Hong Kong Police Force at a police station or via Hong Kong Police Force e-Report Centre (https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en or https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_tc).

Q41. If there is no scam prevention alert message relating to my payee, does it guarantee it is safe to transfer to him / her?

Q41. If there is no scam prevention alert message relating to my payee, does it guarantee it is safe to transfer to him / her?

No, it is not guaranteed. The scam prevention alert message will only be shown if the payee’s FPS proxy ID is included in the scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID, the proxy ID will not be included in the scam prevention alert.

You are advised to always verify the payment details (including the payee’s identity) of every single transaction before making payment.

Q42. Why is my payee’s FPS proxy ID previously not tagged in the scam prevention alert but now being tagged?

Q42. Why is my payee’s FPS proxy ID previously not tagged in the scam prevention alert but now being tagged?

The FPS proxy IDs flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the scam prevention alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID, the proxy ID will not be included in the scam prevention alert.

Q43. What is the source of the scam prevention alert and how is my private information being protected?

Q43. What is the source of the scam prevention alert and how is my private information being protected?

The scam prevention alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports and recorded in the Scameter of the Hong Kong Police Force. Please visit the webpage of Scameter (https://cyberdefender.hk/en-us/scameter/) for more details.

Q44. Why I found my FPS proxy ID on the scam prevention alert when doing FPS transfer? I did not commit any crime!

Q44. Why I found my FPS proxy ID on the scam prevention alert when doing FPS transfer? I did not commit any crime!

According to the record provided by the Hong Kong Police Force, your FPS proxy ID is related to a scam report. Please contact them at enquiry@cyberdefender.hk if you think the FPS proxy ID is not tagged correctly.

Q45. I discovered my payee's mobile number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank did not alert me when I now try to make payment to this FPS proxy ID?

Q45. I discovered my payee's mobile number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank did not alert me when I now try to make payment to this FPS proxy ID?

The scam prevention alert is generated based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force and updated from time to time on a daily basis. Please check again that the payee is trustworthy before you proceed with the transaction.

Q46. I discovered my payee's mobile number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank did not alert me when I previously made payment to this FPS proxy ID?

Q46. I discovered my payee's mobile number has been flagged in Scameter. How come the bank did not alert me when I previously made payment to this FPS proxy ID?

The FPS proxy IDs flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the scam prevention alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID, the proxy ID will not be included in the scam prevention alert.

Q47. Why are scam prevention alerts generated only for FPS proxy IDs when I conduct online transfers but no scam prevention alert is generated for bank accounts? (the online Scameter offers search service of suspicious bank accounts too)

Q47. Why are scam prevention alerts generated only for FPS proxy IDs when I conduct online transfers but no scam prevention alert is generated for bank accounts? (the online Scameter offers search service of suspicious bank accounts too)

The scope of this scam prevention alert mechanism in the first stage covers FPS proxy IDs. The scope will be reviewed from time to time.

Q48. How would I know if my payee’s mobile number / e-mail address / FPS Identifier is flagged for scam prevention alert?

Q48. How would I know if my payee’s mobile number / e-mail address / FPS Identifier is flagged for scam prevention alert?

You can check Scameter (cyberdefender.hk) to see if it is flagged as “High Risk”. When performing an FPS transaction with use of FPS proxy ID (i.e. mobile number, e-mail address, or FPS Identifier) via internet banking or mobile banking app, the Bank will display a scam prevention alert message for those FPS proxy IDs flagged in the scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. You are advised not to make any transactions to the payee unless you have carefully verified the payee’s identity and ensure that the payee is trustworthy.

Q49. If I confirm to the bank to proceed with an FPS transfer with FPS proxy ID (i.e. mobile number / e-mail address / FPS Identifier) flagged as “High Risk” and subsequently realize being scammed, what should I do?

Q49. If I confirm to the bank to proceed with an FPS transfer with FPS proxy ID (i.e. mobile number / e-mail address / FPS Identifier) flagged as “High Risk” and subsequently realize being scammed, what should I do?

If you suspect you have been scammed, you may visit a police station or the Hong Kong Police Force e-Report Centre (https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en or https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_tc) to file a report. In tandem, please report the case to the Bank.

Q50. If a payee’s mobile number is flagged as “High Risk”, will his / her e-mail address or FPS Identifier also be flagged by the scam prevention alert?

Q50. If a payee’s mobile number is flagged as “High Risk”, will his / her e-mail address or FPS Identifier also be flagged by the scam prevention alert?

The FPS proxy IDs flagged as "High Risk" in Scameter and included in the scam prevention alert are based on information collected from scam reports provided by the Hong Kong Police Force. If there has not been any report to the Police against a particular FPS proxy ID, the proxy ID will not be included in the scam prevention alert.

Q51. Can I confirm and accept the scam prevention alert message and make FPS transfer to the FPS proxy ID on the scam prevention alert?

Q51. Can I confirm and accept the scam prevention alert message and make FPS transfer to the FPS proxy ID on the scam prevention alert?

Yes, you can, but please be reminded that the transaction has high risk of fraud. You are advised to always verify the payment details (including the payee’s identity) of every single transaction before making payment.

Q52. What is “Cross border QR payment” service?

Q52. What is “Cross border QR payment” service?

“Cross border QR payment” service allows you to pay overseas merchant(s) by scanning QR code of the merchants through Mobile Banking Fubon+ when travelling abroad, and instantly exchange foreign currencies with Fubon HKD account(s) to complete the transactions. Currently, our Bank supports “FPS x PromptPay QR Payment” with Thailand, and you can complete QR payment to Thailand merchants which accept PromptPay QR Payment by using Fubon+.

Q53. How can I activate “Cross border QR Payment” service?

Q53. How can I activate “Cross border QR Payment” service?

You can first log in Fubon+ and select “Settings” in the sidebar menu. And then select “Cross Border QR Payment” to activate this service by setting the daily transaction limit (maximum of HKD10,000), daily small-value transaction limit (maximum of HKD5,000) and the effective period with the use of Mobile Security Key authentication.

Q54. How can I initiate “Cross border QR payment”?

Q54. How can I initiate “Cross border QR payment”?

You can first log in Fubon+ and select “QR Code Pay” after selected “Transfer / FPS”. Payment details including merchant name, bank code, payment amount (you may need to input the amount by yourself), exchange rate and HKD equivalent amount will be displayed after scanning the QR Code. You can then select “Transfer from account” and click the “Next” button. At least, complete the transaction by clicking “Confirm” after confirmed the payment instruction.

Q55. Why am I failed to proceed “Cross border QR payment” after scanned a merchant QR Code?

Q55. Why am I failed to proceed “Cross border QR payment” after scanned a merchant QR Code?

To proceed a cross border QR payment, you have to hold at least one HKD account with FPS service registered and have activated cross border QR payment service. Besides, only payment with amount lower than HKD10,000 equivalent or the set daily transaction limit is accepted.

Q56. How do I know which Thailand merchant(s) accept “FPS x PromptPay QR Payment”?

Q56. How do I know which Thailand merchant(s) accept “FPS x PromptPay QR Payment”?

Since “FPS x PromptPay QR Payment” is established between FPS and the real-time payment system in Thailand (“PromptPay”), PromptPay logo will be displayed in merchant* QR code which indicates that that merchant accepts Hong Kong FPS payment.

Qr code

*Some non-participating banks’ QR codes or PromptPay personal QR codes do not support FPS x PromptPay.

Q57. Are there any extra charges for “Cross border QR payment” service?

Q57. Are there any extra charges for “Cross border QR payment” service?

For payment initiated via the “Cross Border QR Payment” service, the payment amount is converted into HKD based on the prevailing exchange rate as determined by the Bank. There are no extra charges for this payment service.

Q58. Given that I am now staying in Hong Kong, can I still make payment to Thailand merchant which supports PromptPay via “Cross Border QR Payment” service?

Q58. Given that I am now staying in Hong Kong, can I still make payment to Thailand merchant which supports PromptPay via “Cross Border QR Payment” service?

No. You can ONLY make payment via “Cross Border QR Payment” to Thailand merchant* when you are located in Thailand.

*Some non-participating banks’ QR codes or PromptPay personal QR codes do not support FPS x PromptPay.

Q59. Is there any time restriction on FPS x PromptPay QR payment?

Q59. Is there any time restriction on FPS x PromptPay QR payment?

There will be a countdown timer displayed at the top right corner after you have scanned the Thailand merchant* QR code, and you are required to complete the payment within time limit. You have to scan the QR code again to re-initiate the payment once the time limit is passed.

*Some non-participating banks’ QR codes or PromptPay personal QR codes do not support FPS x PromptPay.

Q60. Can I initiate FPS x PromptPay QR payment by methods other than scanning the Thailand merchant QR code?

Q60. Can I initiate FPS x PromptPay QR payment by methods other than scanning the Thailand merchant QR code?

No. You can ONLY initiate Thailand payment by scanning the Thailand QR code, other methods, such as inputting the account number, are not able to initiate payment.

Q61. How will I know if I have successfully completed an FPS x PromptPay QR payment?

Q61. How will I know if I have successfully completed an FPS x PromptPay QR payment?

After successfully completed an FPS x PromptPay QR payment, you will receive an SMS and e-mail notification.
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