Fubon Mobile Apps
Security Tips

Fubon Mobile Apps
Security Tips


Fubon Mobile Apps Security Tips

Fubon Mobile Apps Security Tips These security tips apply to Fubon+, Fubon GO and FB Invest+ (collectively, “Fubon Mobile Apps”).

Customers should comply with the following security tips to mitigate the risk of customer data leakage and other relevant risks when using the Fubon Mobile Apps.

Always download and regularly update Fubon Mobile Apps via official mobile apps stores. Please visit App Store or Google Play and search “Fubon (Hong Kong)” or “Fubon GO” or “FB Invest+” or simply “Fubon HK” for free download.

  • Always download and regularly update Fubon Mobile Apps via official mobile apps stores. Please visit App Store or Google Play and search “Fubon (Hong Kong)” or “Fubon GO” or simply “Fubon HK” for free download.
  • Close all other mobile apps before accessing Fubon Mobile Apps.
  • Beware of any unusual login screen or process (e.g. a suspicious pop-up window or request for providing additional personal information).
  • Always use the “logout” button to exit Fubon Mobile Apps (if applicable) and close the Fubon Mobile Apps after a logout confirmation has been displayed.
  • Always logoff Fubon Mobile Apps (if applicable) before using other mobile apps.
  • Always logoff Fubon Mobile Apps (if applicable) when it is not in use.
  • When you are using your mobile device in a public place, access the internet through secure network connection and refrain from using public Wi-Fi to access Fubon Mobile Apps.
  • Check your bank statement regularly to protect the correctness of transactions performed via Fubon Mobile Apps.
  • Check the Bank’s SMS messages and other messages in a timely manner and verify your transaction record.
  • The Bank will never request customers to install or update Fubon Mobile Apps through SMS or email.
  • Do not use another person’s smartphone to access Fubon Mobile Apps.
  • Do not leave your mobile device unattended when accessing Fubon Mobile Apps.
  • Do not access Fubon Mobile Apps, download Fubon Mobile Apps or provide your personal information (including your password) through any hyperlinks or attachments embedded in any emails, SMS, social media (e.g. Twitter/Facebook), instant messenger (e.g. WeChat/Whatsapp) or websites.
  • You may be requested to grant permission such as contacts, locations, camera, etc. to Fubon Mobile Apps after they were downloaded and installed. Be cautious and grant permissions to Fubon Mobile Apps on an as-needed basis.
  • Notify the Bank as soon as practicable after you identify unusual or suspicious transactions on your accounts.
  • Keep your mobile number and email address records in the Bank up-to-date to ensure that you can receive important notifications (for example, SMS and email notifications for online payments) from the Bank on a timely basis.

Protect your Username and Authentication Factors

Protect your Username and Authentication Factors
  • Activate the auto-lock function on your mobile device.
  • Keep your Username and authentication factors (such as Login Password, SMS-based One Time Password, Biometrics, Mobile Security Key, Security Device, etc.) secure and secret.
  • Understand about the risks associated with the adoption of biometric, mobile security key or device binding as one of the authentication factors used for initiating relevant transactions (e.g. contactless mobile payments) and take the relevant protection measures to secure the devices and authentication factors.
  • The Bank or any of our business partners will never ask you for sensitive information such as your Username or authentication factors by phone call or through email or SMS. When you are in doubt, please contact us at our Customer Service Hotline 2566 8181 immediately.
  • Set a password that is difficult to guess and different from the ones for other services (e.g. connection to the Internet, Internet Banking, Phone Banking, ATM, email or other Internet sites).
  • Do not select easily accessible personal information such as your telephone number, ID Card number or your date of birth as your password. When you are using others' mobile device to perform transactions, be careful and ensure that your password has not been copied or stored in its hard drive.
  • Destroy the original printed copy of the password after you have changed the password.
  • Passwords should not be set based on Username.
  • Change your password on a regular basis.
  • Do not write down or store your password on your personal computer, any device for accessing Fubon Internet Banking Service and/or Fubon Mobile Apps or anything usually kept with or near it.
  • Do not write down or record the password without disguise.
  • Do not allow anybody else to operate Fubon Mobile Apps or use your authentication factors.

Protect your mobile device

Protect your mobile device
  • Do not allow other people to store their fingerprint(s) or face recognition(s) in your mobile device.
  • Install firewall and virus detection software on your mobile device and update them regularly to protect your mobile device against virus and hackers.
  • Install and promptly update security software to protect your mobile device.
  • Activate the automatic locking function and unlock password on mobile communications device.
  • Delete junk or chain emails and do not open email attachments from strangers.
  • Do not download or open doubtful files, browse suspicious websites, or click the hyperlinks and attachments in questionable sources (e.g. emails, instant messaging, SMS messages, QR codes).
  • Disable any wireless network functions (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC) when they are not in use.
  • Do not allow anybody else to operate or control your mobile device.
  • If your device with Fubon Mobile Security Key Service activated is lost or stolen, you should report this to the Bank immediately by calling our 24-hour Service Hotline 2104 3362 to terminate the service at once.
  • Do not install software or run programs of unknown origin.
  • Do not Jail Break or "root" your mobile devices; use legal, official and latest versions of operating systems only.
  • Delete data on your old mobile device before you donate, resell or recycle it.
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