Greater Bay Area Banking

Greater Bay Area Banking

Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (Southbound Scheme)

Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (Southbound Scheme)Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (“WMC”) offers cross-border financial and wealth management services to individual residents (“investors”) from Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland China in the Greater Bay Area (“GBA”).

WMC is divided into “Northbound Scheme” and “Southbound Scheme”.

“Southbound Scheme” involves individual investors from the GBA to open personal investment accounts with Hong Kong and Macao banks, and remit funds through a closed-loop capital channel to purchase eligible investment products sold by Hong Kong and Macao banks.

Southbound Scheme Eligible Investor

Southbound Scheme Eligible Investor
  1. Has full capacity for civil conduct;
  2. Has valid household registered in any of the 9 GBA cities or has paid social security or individual income tax for 2 consecutive years in any of the 9 GBA cities;
  3. Has at least 2 years investment experience and no less than RMB 1 million of net household financial assets in the past 3 months; or held no less than RMB 2 million of household financial assets in the past 3 months; or average yearly personal income in the past 3 years not less than RMB400,000:
  4. Has valid Entry-exit Permit for Travelling to or from Hong Kong and Macao, or valid PRC passport;
  5. Assessed by Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“the Bank”) as not being a vulnerable customer; and
  6. Has no Cross-boundary WMC dedicated investment account with other banks.

Eligible Wealth Management Products provided by Fubon Bank

Eligible Wealth Management Products provided by Fubon Bank
  1. Funds: All funds domiciled in Hong Kong and authorized by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”), primarily investing in Greater China equity and assessed as “non-complex” by the Bank; or funds that are domiciled in Hong Kong and authorized by the SFC and are assessed as “low” risk to “medium-high” risk and “non-complex” by the Bank, excluding high-yield bond funds and single emerging market equity funds (excluding investment products listed and traded on the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited) (If you need more information, please click here)
  2. Deposits: RMB, HKD and foreign currency deposits


The above information is prepared by Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank") based on the latest regulatory requirements and is for reference purpose only. It does not constitute any offer, solicitation, suggestion, opinion or any guarantee for any individual to buy or sell, be invited to subscribe or transact any particular products or services; nor does it constitute the Bank's active marketing of “Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect” to the public outside Hong Kong.

Southbound Scheme Account Opening Procedure

Southbound Scheme Account Opening Procedure An eligible investor should open a dedicated remittance account at the designated branch of Fubon Bank (China) Co., Ltd. in the GBA and can apply for a dedicated investment account of Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited by witnessing service provided by Fubon Bank (China) Co., Ltd. or by Fubon Bank (China) Co., Ltd. making an appointment at Hong Kong Fubon Bank Building in person for account opening.

Useful Information

Useful Information

Cross-Border Disclaimer:
Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) is regulated and authorised to carry out banking activities in Hong Kong SAR. The products and services represented within this website are intended for Hong Kong customers. The above information is prepared by the Bank based on the latest regulatory requirements and is for reference purpose only. It does not constitute any offer, solicitation, suggestion, opinion or any guarantee for any individual to buy or sell, be invited to subscribe or transact any particular products or services; nor does it constitute the Bank's active marketing of “Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect” to the public outside Hong Kong.

Risk Disclosure:
The value of RMB is subject to the risk of currency exchange rate fluctuation. Customer should bear the risk of RMB exchange rate fluctuations which may cause profit or loss if customer chooses to convert RMB to HKD or other currencies. RMB is currently subject to regulatory and foreign exchange restrictions (which might be changed from time to time).

Foreign currency investments are subject to exchange rate fluctuations which may provide both returns and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of currency may result in losses in the event that the customer converts the currency into other currency.
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