How can you use Open API safely? |
- The Bank will never use Open API to share your personal details or your account information without your consent. Also, your banking credentials information including Internet Banking usernames, passwords, security Password, etc. will not be shared with our TSP Partners at all.
- You should always check to see whether the identity, website address, name of the mobile application of any TSPs you encounter, and its products and/or services in partnership with the Bank are listed on our above TSP Partners list. The Bank shall not be liable for any TSP not listed on the above TSP Partners list, and any information outside of the products and/or services listed as being in partnership with the Bank. If you have any doubts about the Bank’s products and/or services published on any TSP platform (website and/or mobile application (if any)), or any information requested by any TSPs (including our TSP Partners), you must be alerted and call Fubon Bank Integrated Customer Service Hotline at (852)2566 8181 immediately.
- You may enquire about the Bank’s products and services information in the TSP Partners’ platform, and apply for the Bank’s products and/or services via URL redirection. You will be clicking the designated button or hyperlink on the TSP Partners’ platform and be redirected to the Bank’s website to make any application, and not submitting the application on the TSP Partners’ respective platform. The Bank would not collect your personal data through the TSP Partners’ platform.
- Before you view the Bank’s account information on the TSP Partners’ platform, you will be redirected to the Bank’s Internet Banking platform for authentication and authorization instead of directly entering any online banking credentials, including your Internet Banking username, password and One Time Password, on the TSP Partners’ platform.
- When using the TSP Partners’ platform, the TSP Partners may collect your personal data for their own use. When considering whether to provide your personal data to the TSP Partners, please be aware that the TSP Partners may or may not have the same privacy standards and data storage standards as the Bank’s. You should ensure that you have read the TSP Partners’ service agreement and privacy policy, and pay attention to the information requested and the permissions granted to them to use your information.
- Generally, disclosing to or allowing any third party to acquire or use your banking credentials information, such as your Internet Banking username, password, security Password and other account information, could expose you to various risks, including increased chances of unauthorized transactions and personal data leakage. You should understand the scope of the permission you are granting and these associated risks, before disclosing your banking credentials to others, and be prepared to be wholly responsible for any financial or legal consequences that may arise.
- The above TSP Partners are not owned, controlled or affiliated with the Bank. You will bear the risks of using their platform (website or mobile application (if any)). The Bank is not responsible or liable for the contents therein and/or your use of them.
- To protect customers’ personal data privacy and interest, customers and the public are strongly reminded not to provide any of their personal information to any suspected caller or call any suspected hotline number. If they are in doubt about the identity of the caller or hotline number, the customers should request for the callers’ contact details and call Fubon Bank Integrated Customer Service Hotline at (852)2566 8181 (Press “8” after selection of language) for verification.
Fubon Bank Integrated Customer Service Hotline: (852) 2566 8181
E-mail: cs.inquiry.fbhk@fubon.com