It’s truly attractive! From now until 30 April 2025, customers who exchange the designated currencies via Fubon Bank and then immediately set up fixed deposit accounts in respective tenors of corresponding currencies can enjoy the below preferential fixed deposit interest rates*: |
1-week | 1-month | 2-month |
4.68% |
4.68% | 3.88% |
Act now to enjoy the high interest rates! For details, please visit any Fubon Bank branch or call 2566 8181 (press 3 after language selection) during office hours#. The promotion is subject to relevant terms and conditions.
#Monday to Friday: 9am to 7pm; Saturday: 9am to 1pm (except public holidays).
Terms and Conditions
1. | Promotion period of the above GBP, RMB, NZD, AUD, EUR, CAD, USD and HKD (“Designated Currency”) preferential fixed deposit interest rates runs from 3 March 2025 to 30 April 2025, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”). The promotional offers are limited and on a first-come-first-served basis. | |||
2. | To be entitled to the above preferential fixed deposit interest rates, customers are required to exchange Designated Currency via any branch of Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) during the Promotion Period and then immediately set up 1-week, 1-month or 2-month Designated Currency Fixed Deposit Account (“Designated Fixed Deposit Account”). | |||
3. | The minimum deposit amount of the Designated Fixed Deposit Account per transaction is HK$100,000 or equivalent and the maximum deposit amount of the Designated Fixed Deposit Account per customer is HK$30,000,000 or equivalent. | |||
4. | Joint account will be regarded as a single entity for the above preferential fixed deposit interest rates. | |||
5. | The above preferential fixed deposit interest rates are applicable to personal and corporate customers. | |||
6. | The above preferential fixed deposit interest rates are not applicable to Designated Fixed Deposit Account opened via Fubon Internet Banking, Mobile Banking or Fubon Phone Banking Service. | |||
7. | The above fixed deposit interest rates (p.a.) are based on the interest rates (p.a.) announced by the Bank as of 3 March 2025 and for reference only. The Bank reserves the right to adjust the fixed deposit interest rate at any time without prior notice, provided always that any fixed deposits placed prior to the said changes or withdrawals will not be affected. | |||
8. | Interest rate of Designated Fixed Deposit Account upon renewal is subject to the Bank’s prevailing interest rate. | |||
9. | If the maturity date of HKD and RMB time deposit falls on a non-business day of banks in Hong Kong (including but not limited to non-business day caused by adverse weather condition such as typhoon signal or rainstorm warning), then the maturity date will be automatically postponed to the next business day (which means a day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, on which banks are open for general business in Hong Kong). Interest will be calculated at the contracted interest rate based on the said postponed maturity date. If the maturity date of a foreign currency time deposit (Excludes RMB) falls on local holidays of the issuing country/ region of the relevant foreign currency and/or on a non-business day of banks in Hong Kong (including but not limited to non-business day caused by adverse weather condition such as typhoon signal or rainstorm warning), then the maturity date will be automatically postponed to the next succeeding day on which such banks are generally open for business. Interest will be calculated at the contracted interest rate based on the said postponed maturity date. | |||
10. | If customers uplift the fixed deposit before the maturity date, a handling fee will be levied and the Bank reserves the right not to offer any fixed deposit interest. For details of account’s fees and charges and the terms and conditions, please refer to the List of Service Charges of Retail Banking Services of the Bank or contact the staff of the Bank. | |||
11. | The Bank reserves the right to suspend, vary or terminate the above preferential fixed deposit interest rates or amend the relevant terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Terms and conditions of the above promotion are available on our website, as well as all the latest details including the changes, suspension, or cancellation mentioned above. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive. | |||
12. | Any person who is not a party to these terms and conditions shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap.623) to enforce or enjoy any benefits of these terms and conditions. | |||
13. | These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong S.A.R. | |||
14. | Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of the terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail. | |||
Notice to Customers: Fubon Fixed Deposit Account is a deposit qualified for protection by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited is a member of the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong. Eligible deposits taken by the Bank are protected by the Scheme up to a limit of HK$800,000 per depositor. |
Member of Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
© Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited . All Rights Reserved.