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The following risk disclosure statements cannot disclose all the risks involved. You should carefully consider whether trading or investment is suitable in light of your financial needs and investment objectives. You should not rely on this information alone to make any investment decision, but should read in detail the relevant terms and conditions and risk disclosure statements or seek independent professional advice if in doubt.
Investment involves risks. The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of securities may move up or down and may become valueless. It is likely that losses will be incurred rather than profits made as a result of buying and selling securities. Transactions through securities accounts may involve derivatives or high risk investment vehicles. Before making any investment decisions, a person should carefully consider whether the investment is suitable in light of his/her investment experience, investment objectives, and risk tolerance level. The Bank does not provide securities advisory service. Any person considering an investment should seek independent advice on the investment suitability when considered necessary. The promotion is bound by relevant terms and conditions.
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