Q1. What are Initial Public Offering (IPO) and Electronic Initial Public Offering (e-IPO)?

Q1. What are Initial Public Offering (IPO) and Electronic Initial Public Offering (e-IPO)?

An Initial Public Offering, or IPO, is the first offering of a company's or an institution's new securities to the public for fund raising and e-IPO means subscription for such new securities via electronic means.

Q2. Which types of IPO application forms are generally adopted?

Q2. Which types of IPO application forms are generally adopted?

Generally, there are two types of IPO applications forms including white form and yellow form.

White Forms

For White Form, applicants need to maintain a Securities Account with the Bank and physically deposit the allotted shares into the account in order to trade the shares after verification process is completed.

  • Apply on a WHITE application form if you want the Public Offer Shares to be issued in your own name (and own cheque for individual/joint account holder's name(s) and company cheque for corporate customer or certified cashier order).
  • Shares Certificates and/or refund cheques in respect of wholly or partially successful applications would be sent to you directly by the Share Registrar by mail.
  • Shares can only be sold upon depositing the share certificate into your securities account and completion of the verification process.

Yellow Forms

For Yellow Form, applicants need to maintain a Securities Account with the Bank and the allotted shares will be credited to your securities account in order to trade the shares on or before the first listing date.

  • Apply on a YELLOW application form through our bank only if you have already maintained a Securities Account with us.
  • You must have sufficient available fund (and you are advised to prepare for other banking transactions' obligations if there is any) in your designated settlement account BEFORE the Bank's specified IPO Services Cutoff Date and time. The Bank reserves the right to withhold the total subscription amount plus handling charges (if any) in your Settlement Account.
  • No applications or monies can be accepted through eIPO Service once bank has any reason to believe that the electronic public offer documents or processes for collection and handling of applications have been tampered with.
  • Shares allotted will be received by the Bank and will be credited to your securities account on or before the first listing date. No mailing risk is involved.
  • Refund amount or cheque in respect of wholly or partially unsuccessful applications will be credited to your designated bank account on the refund day if you apply through the bank. No mailing risk is involved.
  • Shares allotted can be sold on the first day of listing.

Q3. Who is eligible for IPO subscription through Fubon?

Q3. Who is eligible for IPO subscription through Fubon?

Eligible applicant for IPO through Fubon must be:

  • Existing client of the Bank
  • 18 years of age or older

Q4. What is the difference between IPO Applications via yellow form and white form?

Q4. What is the difference between IPO Applications via yellow form and white form?

  • When applications are made via the Yellow Form (or the nominee service), the Bank will subscribe the IPO shares on your behalf. All you need is to maintain a Securities Account with us to use this service. The allotted IPO shares will be directly credited to your Securities Account on the allotment day, and you can trade your shares starting from the first listing day.
  • You could also choose to use the White Form (apply by yourself) if you wish to subscribe for IPO shares in your own name. You may choose to collect share certificate(s) in person or to receive them by mail. The shares may only be sold after completion of verification process and shall be deposited to an investment or securities account with a bank.

Q5. What is IPO Financing? And where can I apply?

Q5. What is IPO Financing? And where can I apply?

IPO financing is only used to subscribe for the shares of a company that will be offered for sale to the public and will be listed on the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. You can borrow up to 90% of the total subscription amount. You need to pay a minimum of 10% of the total subscription amount (deposit amount) plus the Bank's service charge. Please note that IPO financing is accepted on a first come first serve basis. The online IPO application service does not cater for IPO financing.

Before using IPO Financing Service, application form must be signed by the applicant(s) and then approved by the Bank. Please visit our branches or call our Securities Services Hotline at (852) 2842 7575 (Hong Kong) / 0080 1 856 279 (Taiwan) for details.

Q6. Is the financing and non-financing applicable for online subscription?

Q6. Is the financing and non-financing applicable for online subscription?

No, existing customers are eligible to apply through Internet Stock Trading Service or “FB Invest+” securities trading mobile app for non-financing applications only.

Q7. What are the major risks involved in general IPO investing?

Q7. What are the major risks involved in general IPO investing?

The major risks involved include (but not limited to) the followings:

  • Over-subscribing / Under-subscribing to an IPO: The allotment basis is unknown at the time of subscription. Be prepared that if the shares are heavily oversubscribed, you may only be allotted part of the shares or even no shares at all. On the other hand, if the IPO turns out to be not as popular as it is anticipated to be, then you may be allotted the whole portion of shares.
  • Market Risk:
    Do not assume that the share price will necessarily rise above the offer price on the first day of trading. Performance of new shares will also be affected by the overall market sentiment and it is possible for the share price to drop below the offer price.
  • Company Risk:
    It is important to note that the company and business being invested in. Investors should study thoroughly the prospectus, financial report and even seek professional advice before making the investment decision.
  • Potential Mailing Risk:
    If you choose an application method that involves mailing of share certificates and refund cheques, bear in mind the potential mailing risks. Besides, it will delay your time to sell the IPO shares if there is any delay in receiving the share certificates.
  • Secondary Market Risk:
    The liquidity and market price of the Shares following the Share Offer could be limited and volatile. There is no guarantee that an active trading market for the Shares will develop or be sustained following the Listing.

Q8. Where do I obtain the allotment results?

Q8. Where do I obtain the allotment results?

White Form Application
You can find the determined offer price, allotment results and the basis of allocation for Main Board companies in newspaper announcement and on the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) website on the date as specified in the prospectus. GEM companies will publish announcements on the GEM website and some may also publish advertisements in certain local newspapers though it is not mandatory.

Yellow Form Application through the Bank's Nominee Services
Customers will also be advised of the allotment results by a written confirmation advice which listing the details of the allotment results and refund money for partially allotted shares or wholly unsuccessful application. The refunded amount will be credited to your designated settlement account on the refund day if you apply through us. If you want to enquire the allotment results over the phone on or one business day before the listing date, you may enquire the allotment results through Internet Stock Trading Service, “FB Invest+” securities stock trading mobile app or contact our Securities Services Hotline at (852) 2842 7575 (Hong Kong) / 0080 1 856 279 (Taiwan) for details.
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