1. |
The Committee shall review and approve the remuneration of Directors, in particular the Independent Non-Executive Directors (“INEDs”) and members of Board-level committees on a regular basis to ensure that it is adjusted broadly in line with inflation and as required to maintain competitiveness within the banking sector and against other sectors.
2. |
The Committee shall review and approve (i) remuneration packages (i.e. for both fixed and variable pay, including benefits in kind, pension rights, compensation payments, etc.) for Senior Management and Key Personnel (as defined under the Remuneration Policy of the Bank) and (ii) other matters as contemplated under the Remuneration Policy of the Bank.
3. |
The Committee shall ensure that remuneration is appropriate and consistent with the Bank’s culture, long-term business and risk appetite, performance and control environment as well as with any legal or regulatory requirements. It shall work closely with the Risk Committee and the Audit Committee of the Board, and consult with the Bank’s risk control functions in evaluating incentives created by the remuneration system.
4. |
The Committee shall review and approve the compensation payable to members of the Senior Management and Key Personnel (as defined under the Remuneration Policy of the Bank) in connection with any appointment to, or loss or termination of, their office and ensure that such compensations are in accordance with relevant contractual terms and is fair and not excessive.
5. |
The Committee shall review and approve compensation arrangements relating to dismissal or removal of Directors for misconduct and ensure that such arrangements are in accordance with relevant contractual terms and that any compensation so paid is appropriate.
6. |
The Committee shall ensure that an annual review of the Bank’s remuneration system and its implementation, includes an assessment of consistency with the Supervisory Policy Manual module CG-5 ‘Guideline on a Sound Remuneration System’ issued by the HKMA, is conducted independent of senior management involvement, and that the result is submitted to the HKMA.
7. |
The Committee shall review and approve amendments to the Remuneration Policy of the Bank.
8. |
The Committee shall work closely with other relevant Board committees and if deemed necessary, may consult the Bank’s Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering Division on matters of compliance regarding the remuneration system.
9. |
The Committee shall identify individuals suitably qualified to become Board members and select or make recommendations to the Board on the selection of individuals nominated for directorships and senior management positions (based on the role and its responsibilities and the knowledge, experience and competence which the role requires).
10. |
The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board on appointment or re-appointment of Directors and succession planning for Directors, in particular the Chairman, the Chief Executive and the INEDs. For the recommendation of an INED, the factors in assessing the independence of a Director as stated in the Directors Handbook shall be considered. The Committee shall ensure that endorsement from the Board and/or Remuneration & Nomination Committee of the holding company shall be obtained before making recommendations to the Board.
11. |
The Committee shall regularly review whether each existing Director continues to remain qualified for his post, including the suitability and appropriateness of the INEDs.
12. |
The Committee shall review the structure, size and composition (after giving due consideration to skills, knowledge and experience) of the Board at least annually and make recommendations on any proposed change to the Board.
13. |
The Committee shall also undertake Board performance evaluation to assist the Board in reviewing the efficiency and effectiveness of the functioning of the Board.
14. |
The Committee shall ensure objectivity and independence in the selection process for Board members and senior management. The Committee shall also strive to ensure that the Board is not dominated by one individual or small group of individuals in a manner that is detrimental to the interests of the Bank as a whole.
15. |
The Committee shall regularly review and confirm the effectiveness of the overall culture enhancement initiatives pursued by the Bank. At the discretion of the Committee, seek assistance internally from the Internal Audit Division or Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering Division or engage outside professional auditors to perform such review.
16. |
The Committee shall approve, review and assess, at least annually, the adequacy of the Bank Culture Statement which sets out the Bank’s culture and behavioural standards, and seek to ensure that the statement is translated into policies and procedures (including the Bank Culture Policy and Bank Culture Guideline) that are relevant to the day-to-day work of different levels of staff.
17. |
The Committee shall review the results of the Bank’s assessment and feedback mechanisms in respect to the Bank’s culture and behavioral standards at least annually and when warranted.
18. |
The Committee shall review and approve the Bank Culture Policy of the Bank.